Responsible the overall look and feel for the web site, establishing the site typography, visual interface design, color palette standards, page layout details, and the particulars of how the graphics, photography, illustration, and audiovisual media elements of the site come together to form an integrated whole. As the web has matured over the past decade, many graphic design professionals have become specialists in designing for interactive media for computer screens and are well versed in user interface design, web navigation, and site architecture. In smaller projects an experienced web art director often assumes the information architecture and usability roles in addition to directing the visual design of a site. In the site development and planning stages the art director creates or supervises the creation of increasingly complex design sketches to illustrate the evolving design proposals to the project sponsor and web team. As designs are approved the art director supervises the conversion of these design sketches into the detailed specifications of graphics and typography that the page engineers will need to create html (HyperText Markup Language) page templates. In larger organizations the art director is usually the person responsible for assuring that the new web design work is consistent with any established corporate identity and user interface standards.